Saturday, 16 May 2009

Beautiful Arieal Photography by Klaus Leidorf

Klaus Leidorf is a German aerial archaeologist. This means that he conducts archaeological surveys from the window of his Cessna 172 offering a bird's eye view.

His overhead photos of a site are invaluable and beautiful for putting it in a wider context and discerning details invisible from ground level, But the details and context helps to identify a strong visual character of a landscape. Not just showing it's archaeology but also a relationship with humans and objects as a major feature for example humans can be intrepeted as multicolored bathers lined up on a beach like jellybeans as shown below:

Here are samples of Leidorf's Photographs:

Strange Nest

Cemetery In Velden

A Beer Garden

Winter on "Earth Sign"

Growing Fields

Glaciers Eye

Allotment Garden

All photos are taken from:

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