1. Welcome Page:
This is the first page that will be seen by employers or viewers. In order to give a good first impression to potential employers, i have to motivate them to want to continuing viewing my page without them losing interest. To achieve that, i have decided to add a formal introduction about myself and what my future ambitions and how i am going to achieve my long time goal of becoming a professional landscape architect.
2. Portfolio Page:
This page will consist and contain a collection of my past university work from my 1st year (2006) to my 3rd year work (2009). It will demonstrate how i have improved and matured within my design/ concept work over the last 3 years of my undergraduate degree.
3. Curriculum Vitae (CV) page:
This page is very essential and consist of a document that contains a summary of relevant job experience and education for potential employer. CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker seeking employment.
4. Blog Page:
This page will consist of my blog. It adds an extra to my portfolio by demonstrating my other personal interest apart from my university work which i have recorded in my blog over the last 3 years to employers.
5. Contact Page:
This page is suppose to contain my personal contact details such as my telephone number, address, e-mail address on which i can be contacted with. This is a very important part that needs to be present in my portfolio, so that employers or users can find it easy to access me anytime.
2. Portfolio Page:
This page will consist and contain a collection of my past university work from my 1st year (2006) to my 3rd year work (2009). It will demonstrate how i have improved and matured within my design/ concept work over the last 3 years of my undergraduate degree.
3. Curriculum Vitae (CV) page:
This page is very essential and consist of a document that contains a summary of relevant job experience and education for potential employer. CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker seeking employment.
4. Blog Page:
This page will consist of my blog. It adds an extra to my portfolio by demonstrating my other personal interest apart from my university work which i have recorded in my blog over the last 3 years to employers.
5. Contact Page:
This page is suppose to contain my personal contact details such as my telephone number, address, e-mail address on which i can be contacted with. This is a very important part that needs to be present in my portfolio, so that employers or users can find it easy to access me anytime.
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