Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Hay's Galleria, London

It is located along the river front between London Bridge Pier and Tower bridge, London


It was Built in the 1850's, Hay's Wharf took deliveries from ships from all over the world and the area became known as the 'Larder of London'. The great Hay's Wharf complex has been restored to its former glory. Source:http://www.haysgalleria.co.uk/Hays/HaysGalleria.nsf/galleria?OpenFrameSet

Hay's Galleria is an open space that is made up of traditional craft and market stalls used for decorating the walkways along it and its neighbouring building which consists of shops restaurants, bars etc.

Alot of events takes place in the Hay's Galleria such as exhibitions, etc and sometimes used as a market place. It has a great atmosphere while one is walking through it.
Mostly used by local people, tourist and shoppers too!
the seating areas are located at the foot of craft stalls as shown below:

A large scale bronze sculptural water fountain located close the entrance toward the riverfront.

A lovely good view from inside Hay's Galleria towards the river Thames, you can see the skyscrapers on the other side of the river.

More Information:http://www.haysgalleria.co.uk/

Another Open Space in Southwark

This is an open public space located just 5mins walk from Canvey Street (off Southwark street).

The landscape is made up of

  • Granite seats around a plant bed
  • Trees
  • Ground lights
  • Geo lightstack lamp post from Wood house

This landscape has been approached in a different manner compared to the one on Canvey street because certain features such as the siting areas and planting detailing are very different but its paving materials, ground light and lamp post are the same.

The seating areas are designed to be around a raised plant bed. its made up of Flame texture grey granite slabs.


Tree pit

The trees are been planted in tree pit which has a sand bed. The edges of this sand bed has very small hedge which serve as an wind breaker to prevent the loose sand from been blown onto the paved surface.

Ground Light in Tree pit

During the Day At Night