Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Landscape on Canvey Street , Southwark

Urban landscaped Space on Canvey St. London. It is about 5mins behind Tate's modern along Southwark street.

its a small space which also acts as an ally way between tall buildings. It's a very pretty and inviting place and consist of unique seating areas, lighting, trees and also a good quality finishing.

The material of the paving used is light grey granite pavers with a flame texture finish as shown below:

Polished white marble seats is been used in this space which gives the space a classic look and makes it look more attractive for people. These seats are quite unique because you hardly see marble seats in public areas due to its high cost. They have been designed in such a way that it has an arm rest for people to relax on.

These marble seats have lights instilled underneath it so it glow and reflects onto the granite paving surface as shown below:

The lights used is a Geo Lightstack by Wood House company. It is a 8 metres slim cylindrical brushed stainless steel with a light conducting acrylic tube at top which glow of light. These lights have been arranged in such a way that it provides consistent light distribution from top to bottom across the the whole space.

Ground lights are also used around the space especial around the trees in other to brighten up the trees in the space at night.

Tree detailing:
Dark grey granite with picked finish is used to create a contrast to the tree pit from its neighbouring paving.
A metal edge is use to separate the dark coloured granite and a loose aggregate which is immediately surrounding the tree as shown below:
Loose gravel aggregate of about 5mm in size is used to aid good drainage of water for the tree.

Landscape is Pourlines, Southwark street

Poured Lines is located underneath Westernbridge on Southwark Street. It is about 50m long of permanent Public art painting by Ian Daveport.
This artwork consist of vertical stripes of about 300 different colours combined, which has brighten up the dull looking bridge by creating a visual rhythm across the painting.
It's very colourful and has literally transformed the look underneath the Western bridge therefore capturing the attention of Pedestrians and motorist. this strong change to the bridge's landscape has been very successful although it's quite a simple design for a public art.

Landscape is Sculpture of an Unknow artist, Southwark

It's is a 6m high bronze sculpture standing on a stone plinth. It's not just a sculpture but its an interactive sculpture known as Animatonic Statue. It is located just behind Tate's Modern.

It actually imitates ones body language when you are in front of him but i think this is an amazing way of allowing people (shoppers, tourist or workers) to engage with the public and the art around Southwark.

It's a very playful sculpture which is used to decorate the landscape. He actually creates its own poses when it has been left alone which i find very fascinating because they have made the sculpture look like it has got a mind and mood of its own.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Other Landscapes in Rotterdam

This photo shows the building's detailing and how it blends with the landscape

Man-made ponds in landscape

Other Landscape

Most of the man-made ponds seen in Rotterdam are found between the main roads. Its like having pocket parks in between roads. The good thing about this is that the Dutch people do use it all the time for relaxing or just watching how the cars, cyclist and trams share the roads which is quite an interesting view to see.

Bridge over the man- made pond found between the roads

Landscape of Gerechtsgebouw

This building has a hard and soft landscape behind it.

The soft landscape consist of an area with about 0.3meters high hedge with square cuts pattern as shown below:

These square cuts in the hedges are filled with loose gravel which gives the landscape a "Cross-check" look.

Hard Landscape consist of Undulating timber decking with loose gravel surrounding it

Change in Levels of the timber decking


Timber decked Step

Timber Decking with glass panels inserted at regular intervals through out the landscape.

Change in material
  • Timber decking
  • Loose red gravel
  • Concrete Slabs

Landscape is Hotel New York & its Landscape, Rotterdam

Hotel New York is a modern hotel and cafe-restaurant situated in the most attractive spots in Rotterdam, a location with new town planning developments.
There easy access to the hotel by water taxi which means that one can be in the "Veer haven" which is directly opposite the hotel in few minutes!

Planters in the surrounding landscape of the Hotel

Picture below shows the "Plant support detail" of the planters showing how the multi-step plants with are held together in the planter.


Unique ventilation shafts used to design the landscape

Lovely grassed landscape with Precast concrete seating areas and also used as an edge.

Play Area in the landscape
A random piece of Sculpture made of plastic